9 – In conlusion

9 – IN CONCLUSION – Sources, Animals and Research Material

9.1 – My Sources

Obviously, before being in a position to present this theory, I needed to do a lot of research – read a lot of books, watch a lot of films and consult all kinds of other information.  But at this point in my life, I´ve come to realise that the most important source that guided me towards the information I chose to read, listen to and watch is, in part, my own higher soul energy and monad. I also received inspiration through my helpers and mentors on the spiritual planes, not least of all from the Great Creator of us all.

9.2 – The Animals

I can´t leave without saying a few words about my own purpose in life in connection with the theory I have presented here. Developing the theory I have described in this film is not my main purpose in life. The purpose of my life is to establish a new connection between the animal kingdom and the human kingdom on earth. Something which I describe in many other places, but which is really the underlying reason I have worked out this theory on the purpose of life.

Everyone and everything has a life plan. The earth has one, humanity has one, and the animal kingdom has one, too. As part of these plans, the human kingdom is destined to assume responsibility for the animal kingdom in the future. This responsibility is not ours yet, because we are not yet sufficiently developed as a race to be able to handle it. But in preparation for assuming this responsibility, I have been fortunate enough to have been given this task by Krempkah. Krempkah is the ’leader’ and Grand Master of the Kingdom of Animal Spirits. The work I have done in connection with the preparation of this theory has been done to ’fertilize’ the earth, so that he can send more animal souls to earth in the future, and the relationship between humans and animals will be  quite different from then on.

9.3 – My Research – to conclude

One thing is my sources, quite another is the  astral research material I have been given to work with in my life. This material consists of all the suffering I have gone through during my  life, as well as the experiences I have enjoyed with my family, friends and all those around me.

Everything in my life has been significant in its own way, but for me it is clear that the last 25 years that I have spent actively working with my “self”, while being married to my current husband and  raising three children together, have provided me with most meaningful astral research material I could have wished for. All four of them, my husband and my children, have been unbelievably generous in sharing with me a whole range of emotional experiences, many of which could certainly be described as extremely painful. But as I have explained in this film, any pain I have experienced stems from my own astral work energies, and has nothing to do with my husband or children. And last but not least, I´d like to express my gratitude to the horses including Aisha for having taken on the task of awakening my soul consciousness to my true purpose in life.

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